Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Military Diet - Day 3 Breakfast and Lunch

Well, I made it to Day 3. For a while there, I wasnt sure that I was going to!

I woke up in a pretty terrible mood and it pretty much has continued ALL Day long! I dont think I have cracked a smile today and I am just feeling beat.

Breakfast: 8:30am
5 saltine crackers, 1 slice of cheddar cheese, 1 small apple

Lunch: 12:45pm
1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice of whole wheat toast

I am not really 100% confident that I can make it through tonight! I should probably go on a long walk or something to get my mind away from it, but I just dont really feel like it! I also dont feel like I have lost very many lbs. I hope the few sips of Coke last night didnt totally ruin it for me!!

Today I made a co-worker take the Jelly Belly's to her desk, because I wanted them! Actually, right now, all I am craving is a fat hamburger! Lol I dont think I could ever be a vegetarian!

Well I'm off - Time for dinner! Tuna & 1/2 a banana!!

EEEkkk I will be back tomorrow with an update on if I lost any lbs. or not!

Military Diet - Day 2

Well, I forgot to blog yesterday - I was probably too busy yelling at unsuspecting people on the phone for no reasons! It was most definately the worst day!

Breakfast: 8:30am
1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice of whole wheat toast, 1/2 banana = Not too bad! I like this breakfast

Lunch: 12:00pm
1 cup cottage cheese, 1 hard boiled egg, 5 saltine crackers

Dinner: 6:00pm
2 all beef hotdogs, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup carrots, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream = this actually felt like aLot to eat!

So my overall mood on Day 2 morning, was good. I was motivated and knew I could do this! I lasted in a pretty good mood, while drinking an extreme amount of water! It was until about 3pm that I hit a major wall or something! I yelled at the Sprint guy on the phone because I didnt like his answer and I snapped at a co-worked for "not understanding!" - I felt like I had extreme PMS or something! It was not fun!! Then I decided to leave work a little bit early- those Jelly Belly's from the Easter Bunny were really starting to taunt me! I went home to make my dinner early. I really needed it and was feeling like I wasnt going to make it!

I basically didnt do anything besides laundry, catch up on some studying and watch Tv - I was afraid to get too close to the kitchen because I have Zero self control and really didnt think I could stay away! haha! At about 9:30 I was feeling extremely tired! I did have about 2 swigs of Coke - straight from the 2 liter! (hey, I live alone! Its allowed!) I wasnt proud of my slip up, but I think I just needed a little something. I know it wasnt a good idea but I then quickly moved to my room and didnt come out all night HaHa!! :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Military Diet - Day 1, Lunch

Really keeping up with the water intake, so thats good!

This lunch included:

1/2 cup of tuna - I added mustard, salt, pepper
1 slice toast -
another Large Coffee - this time I added Splenda

I am getting hungry, and now I am realizing that I am probably not going to eat a thing for the next 6 hours! Eeek

Military Diet - Day 1, Breakfast

Well, my sister convinced me to start this Military Diet today. The foods you eat for the next 3 days are supposed to work together to metabolize / breakdown the foods, to make you losed up to 10lbs in 3 days. We'll see....

So I started this blog just to write about my experience and help keep myself on track!

Grapefruit = I like it better with sugar, but it was fine!
Toast with Peanut Butter = Good!
Black coffee = I dont know how people drink it black!

So far, after meal 1, I have survived!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Well, as you can tell - I have not written in this blog for a long time. BBBS is something that I have always wanted to do. Somehow, life just got in the way.... I chose not to further my experience by getting a Little Sister. I tried to get my priorities in line, it just wasnt working and I felt like things kept coming up and I was very worried I wouldnt be able to give her the time that would be beneficial to her. So.. I just wanted to tell everyone that at this point, my BBBS volunteer work has been put on hault. Maybe I will try again in the future when things arent so hectic and crazy. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Interview!

About a week ago was my first interview with BBBS!

I went in there not knowing what to expect at all! They gave me a run-down of what exactly BBBS is about and gave me the rules about what we can/cannot do. They said after about 6 months when you are paired up, as long as the parents are Ok with it then you are pretty much on your own and everything is up to you! So there is not any real organization that you are required to do and are able to pretty much make your own schedules, etc. The child that I will be matched up with will only be no more than 20 mins away and we can schedule anything that fits in our schedules

You are required to spend about 6 hours a month with your Little - so that is just a couple of hours a week. She gave me some good ideas about what kind of activites to do with the child and told me they always have things going on to be involved with each quarter.

Then the interview started--- She asked me some very in depth questions about myself, about how I would react if something happened to the child, what my personal life is like, what types of children I would best fit with and a whole lot more! I felt like I was being questioned so quickly and about everything- I basically didnt have much time to think in between questions and she was firing them out as fast as I could answer the one before it! It actually gave me some real insight about myself and what they are looking for in a Big Sister.

As long as all 6 of my references come back good, then they will begin the "matching" process. Should take about 3+ months to get all of the paperwork completed and a "match" to be made! I am extremely nervous but I am really excited to see who my Little will be!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gearing Up!

Well tonight is my big interview! I am not really sure what I need to be prepared with for it, so I think I am just going to wing it!

I saw that they will be contacting my references, doing a background check and a personality test..... So, I hope I can pass all of those things and then we will see if I have the chance to make a difference in a little girls life!

Wish me luck!